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IFA Paris is set to launch a revolutionary Fashion Tech Innovation Lab in September. N-hega Technolo

**NEWS** IFA Paris is set to launch a revolutionary Fashion Tech Innovation Lab in September. The first of its kind in Paris, the Innovation Lab will enable students, start-ups and businesses to work alongside each other – creating the opportunity for them to make extraordinary leaps in fashion and innovation. N-hega Technology is proud to be involved in this partnership alongside with other tech disruptors to help change the role that fashion plays on a global scale.

As part of the school’s efforts to pioneer fashion tech in France and beyond, the ground-breaking lab is designed to complement IFA Paris’ new program in Fashion Tech Innovation. Individuals will be nurtured to become the next fashion innovators of tomorrow and to do that they need not only world class teaching but hands-on experience through industry collaborations all set to happen with in the lab.The fashion tech outputs will be displayed within the elegant tech demo area, which will also play host to industry events.

Here are some 3D render of the new tech lab space:

ifa paris nhega

ifa nshot pro pattern digitizer

ifa tech lab with n-hega technology

ifa fashion tech lab nhega

ifa tech lab nshot-pro


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