Available Worldwide with main offices in the USA, Italy and Brazil.
Leaders in Pattern Digitizing Solutions & Artificial Intelligence
Automatic Scanner & Camera CAD Digitizers
Phone: +1(212)-222-7803 | +1(720) 310-0036 | Email: info@n-hega.com

N-hega Suite: complete Sample Room Bundle Solution.
Integrate your business with the N-hega Bundle Suite. The complete solution for companies Sample Room/Pre-Production needs.
Digitize Patterns -> Edit Models -> Grading -> Costing Markers -> Email or generate Plot & Cut files

NScan/NShot + NEstimate with Grading Projection + Cutter/Plotter = Done.
1 Digitize Patterns
4 Costing Markers
Use the NScan or NShot automated system to quickly and accurately Digitize Sample patterns.
The NScan utilizes a scanner and the NShot a high resolution camera to capture and digitize multiple pieces at once.
Digitizing can be done as simply as photocopying a document.
Run the automatic NEstimate software to generate money saving Material Utilization Estimates.
Users can opt to run the marker by minute or by piece number.
The estimation process is completely automatic and uses complex algorithms to select the best marker combination.
E-mail or print the material utilization information to the costing/material buyer department.
Order Material for Production!
2 Edit
Edit the pattern pieces according to the garment needs using the NScan or NShot tools.
Notches, lines, cutlines, corners, seamlines can be modified and corrected with a few clicks.
5 Plot/Cut Files
Plot or Cut the costing models for quality control and inspection purposes.
3 Grade
Use the N-hega Suite Estimate Grading tool to create different grade sizes for a more precise material costing estimate.
Send Order to Production!